Tuesday, May 13, 2014


It is a little hard to believe that today I turn 40!  It feels a lot like 39 and really 29.  I can't say that it feels like 14 or 18, but it certainly feels really good.  We began the day with a walk down Atlantic Avenue towards the ocean and got to enjoy the light dawning over the vast sea.  Sarah and I strolled down the new boardwalk and back down the marsh towards home and said numerous times how incredible it is to live where we live and have the lives that we have.  My cup runneth over.  Ours cups are so full of goodness and grace. I never thought at age 40 that I'd be living in Florida, let alone living on beautiful Amelia Island just a few steps from the ocean.  Though I always thought of myself as a mountain kind of guy, I really do love the beach and the landscapes of the island ~ not to mention the people here.  So many folk are so loving and kind. 

Our Will turned 13 yesterday, and that milestone hit me like a ton of bricks!  I love that we now have a teenager, although it very much messes with my head, but I don't feel old enough to have one.  We enjoyed celebrating with Will at a friend's place and really enjoyed a feast: lightly battered fried shrimp and fish, slaw, mac/cheese, roasted veggies, and Sarah's homemade colorful layer cake (per Will's request).  It really warmed my heart to watch Sarah and Aubrey work on it together.  There is nothing   
There is nothing that I could ever purchase to make me feel as joyful or at peace about life right now.  For all the challenges that come with being a husband, dad, pastor, and 40 year old the good far outweighs the bad.  

May the next 40 be filled with many moments of goodness and grace, the glow of children's faces, food shared with loved ones, occasions to enjoy the simply beauty of God's creation, and those moments of coalescence where the divine seems if only for a fleeting second to brush the human.  For those I am so grateful.  

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