Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Our journey began on June 17th at 4:00 am with showers and getting the last few items in the luggage. Extra tooth brush? Check.  That cell phone charger? Check. Keith Edwards picked us up promptly at 5 and took us on a dark and peaceful ride to the airport where we checked in with Jet Blue, made it through security, and enjoyed a moment's peace with Starbuck's coffee and something to nibble on.  By 6:45 we were boarding and by 7:15 we were in the air. The flight was great. Each seat had a video screen, and Aubs sat next to me with her pink manatee stuffed animal as I enjoyed the Today Sow and Sports Center. She watched cartoons. Sarah and Will were in front of us, and Angela and the flight crew kept the drinks and snacks coming. Had blue potato chips. Yum!  Got to Boston, Logan around 9:45, and flying over the water sail boats looked like tiny bits of popcorn speckled over the water.  The day was sunny and mild, like 83 with no humidity.  We took a bus to the T, the had an adventure on the trains getting to the Buckminster Hotel. Will's first train started before he was ready and sent him to the floor and on the lap of a nice older gent. The look on his face was priceless.

We arrived at our hotel around 11:00 and locked up luggage. The building is old and sits just a block beyond Fenway. Awesome.  We ventured back on the T to Fenuiel Hall and the markets for lunch at Durgin Park, a Boston must visit. We had ice cold water, corn bread squares, Sarah had a veggie plate with baked beans (small, sweet, so flavorful), will got chicken pot pie, Aubs got a grilled chicken sandwich with great crispy fries, and I got the pot roast with mashed taters and carrots. I also got a bowl of clam chowder that we shared, and it was really great.  The food was all home cooked and the restaurant was a real treat. We sat on the second floor and overlooked the markets that were brimming with people.  Loved the red checked table clothes and the fact that they leave the water pitcher on the table as you eat.

We headed next to visit the markets and amidst the tourists and regular Boston crowd, we enjoyed
really historic buildings and sites. Lots of cool shops and street performers. We toured Fenuiel Hall
and wow what a majestic place. Loved the art, architecture, and the military room on the 4th floor with swords, uniforms, and memorabilia that captures American history in such a cool way. Will was a bit tired, but he perked up for it.  All for free!  Also caught a moving holocaust remembrance walk with quotations in glass and names listed and key dates. Very touching--located in the middle of a path with historic bars and buildings on one side and commercial spaces on the other.

Food was a bit pricey: $70 for lunch for 4!  We needed a rest by about 3 so we went back to the hotel, catching ice cream at McDonalds near the hotel, and got our rooms. Simple, spacious, not posh accommodations. Got settled in and cat napped and cooled off, ahhhhhh, then we took a walk to the Prudential building to get Duck Tour tickets for Wed and site see. It was sunny and hot, people were strolling about, lots of young adults (we are blocks away from Boston Univ), and after about 30 minutes we found the tour place. Got tickets then wandered to the public library--oh my goodness
how gorgeous. Huge facility with statues and a lovely courtyard with a fountain and people sitting enjoying books, coffee, conversation, and the quiet. Could have spent days there.

We were short on time, by now close to 5:15. Opted for T ride to hotel. Got tickets on the trusty Charlie Card but got frustrated on the platform because it was rush hour and all trains were packed full! S we hoofed it back to hotel for a 35 minute, hot walk. Aubs changed clothes, Sarah freshened up, and Will and I plopped on the lobby couches. We then made it to Fenway Park by 6:30. It was magical, inspiring, and so, so cool! It turned my rather sweaty foul mood into pure joy.  Our seats were 9 rows off left field! We got great views and settled in before the game with ballpark food: Italian sausage dog for me, water, kids got sodas (refillable) for $8.50, I got Cracker Jacks, and they got chicken fingers and fries. Will also got ice cream in a sox mini helmet. Aubs got pink cotton candy. The game was great. The national anthem was sang by about 16 men all in harmony. They had a historic Minute Men color guard. The park had a nice breeze all night, and the baseball was outstanding. Lots of good pitching, hits, foul balls near us, and the sox beat the Twins 2--0!

We sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," after the 7th inning and as we headed into the 9th, we sang "Sweet Caroline."  It was really special, standing arm and arm singing together in the nation's oldest ballpark.  We ended the night after 11 coming back to the hotel for showers and rest.   Planning on the Duck Tour of the city tomorrow.  Much is said about life and its being  the journey rather than the destination, but today both were really special, and the journey had much to teach us while the destinations never stop inspiring and delighting.

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